When it comes to moving, you want to make sure that you are getting the best price possible. When you compare rates between moving companies, you may find that some charge additional fees for services involved with your move. Knowing what these additional fees might be can help you to budget for your move and to look for other ways to save. Here are just some of the additional fees your moving company might charge.
Hoisting Fees
In some cases, you may have furniture that won't fit in your hallway or through your front door. Your moving company may need to use a window to transfer these items out of the home. The moving company may charge a hoisting fee in these situations. The hoisting fee covers the cost of setting up a rope-and-pulley system to move your items out safely. Talk to your moving company in advance about any large items you think might not fit in your hallways so the movers can determine if there is another way to remove the items.
Long-Carry Fees
Long-carry fees are usually charged when the moving company can't park the truck close enough to your home. Moving companies typically have a standard distance from the truck to your home, and any distance exceeding that can be subject to an extra charge. If your home is situated in such a way that the moving company knows it can't get close when you receive your estimate, you might see this charge on the estimate sheet. However, if you fail to secure a place for the truck to park, this charge may be added to the total cost of your move later.
Exclusive Truck Use Fee
Fees for the exclusive use of a truck typically apply to long-distance moves. When you move across country, the moving company will attempt to plan the travel route to be as fuel- and time-efficient as possible. This sometimes means having more than one family's items loaded onto the same moving truck. You may be concerned about your items becoming mixed up with another family's, and you might want to request that only your items be loaded onto the truck. Your moving company can accommodate this request, but it will come with an extra charge.
Multiple Trip Fees
There are many reasons why you might need your moving company to make multiple trips to and from your home, but you should expect to pay for these additional trips. If your home is not accessible by a larger moving truck, you may be charged for each trip the smaller moving truck needs to make. You can also be charged extra if you need to drop things off at other locations besides your new home, such as a storage facility.
Be sure to read your moving estimate carefully, and ask about any additional service fees you might be charged the day of the move. Knowing how much you might be charged can help you to budget for your move. Your local movers will help you understand the costs if you have any questions.